Misinformation vs Disinformation
Misinformation vs Disinformation


Believe it or not Misinformation and Disinformation are different! Misinformation is incorrect information in which is spread throughout media innocently whereas Disinformation is spread intentionally.

The Problem

False information can lead to conflict between society. This can be both harmful to an individuals health but also to the public.


Examples of Misinformation include accidentally interpreting what a politician said wrong (when the polotition is not purposely trying to convey something other than the truth)


Examples of Disinformation include false information from websites claiming to be true. The publishers know the information is incorrect and continue to intentionaly spread this information for some sort of gain (likely monetary)

How it Spreads

Incorect information whether intention or not can be spread through any platform and through audio, text, and even video. If a person believes the info they could also go around telling others. In other words the spread is not only limited to the internet but also day to day speech too.

AI Involvement

As AI becomes a bigger part of everyday life, it can be both a blessing and a curse. AI algorythms are not equipped with the ability fact check information. Depending on the platform a couple keywords can cause something to be viewed by millions of people. This could help smaller creators or posters grow thier platform but also allows false information to have a direct passageway to many people.

Views and Monetary Gain

On a platform such as Youtube, the more views and viewing hours a video / channel has, the more money the youtuber gets. If something is intresting to millions of people (despite it bring fake information), people may take advantage of this to make money.

Fake News

Fake News is also closely tied to Misinformation and Disinformation. As fake senarios are created, people may develop feelings towards a certain topic that could change thier opinions on many different things. Thier perpesctives of a political topic could change and Fake News could therefore manipulate the public population into doing ot believing something.

The Biggest Problem

By far the biggest problem with the spread of Misinformation and Disinformation is that people either do not have the motivation or time to fact check things. There could be many reasons for this but especially if the information seems plausible the person may not think to check if the information is correct. This is one of the main reasons false information is so easily spread